Edge 4

We’re EDGE FOUR, our mission has been uncovering who an individual is- 
those hard to see motives behind their performance – Their WHY.

This is the key to cultivating true greatness.

We have teamed with leading psychologists, pouring over research, data and expert 
insights, resulting in the unique E4 system. 

The E4 process guides coaches and athletes from great to legendary. Straight to the intangibles. The heart and head. The person.

It begins with a test. A proprietary, scientific, curated set of questions that uncover a person’s true motives. Revealing not only the potential, but the watch-outs.  
The roadmap to success.

So strengths can be magnified, limitations can be transformed, performance is enhanced, and relationships can thrive.

Only then can you truly know yourself… and spark greatness 
in both you and your team.

Knowing an athlete is one thing. 
But knowing their WHY is everything

Everyone could use an EDGE like that.

The System

The Edge 4 system consists of a successful and unique psychometric assessment resulting in an individualized profile that is designed to reveal an athlete’s motive (their WHY), strengths, limitations, and a specific road map to interacting with that individual.

We have designed a process and system that is complex in it’s purpose yet applicable for the Coach and Athlete. Edge 4 is transforming theory to application.

We take the psychological theory and make it applicable. Breaking down WHAT an individual needs growth in, defining the WHY and providing a HOW to accomplish it.

The Coach

Edge 4 excels knowing an athlete to a very different level-you will understand their “WHY”, we call it their motive. You will gain insight into their inner strengths, limitations, needs and wants. The E4 system then gives you the tools to put that information into action.

Understanding someone’s WHY allows you to build relationships and trust.

Relationships allow you to influence.

Influence is at the core of great coaches.

The Athlete

Edge 4 puts the power back in the hands of the athlete.

Equipping the athlete with the tools and responsibility to stay true to who they are how they play despite the environment and external factors.

The Edge 4 Team

We are dedicated to helping coaches, teams and individuals learn about themselves and the power of creating strong relationships.

Edge 4
